

We are taking proactive measures to safeguard the natural environment for the long term by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, minimising our impact on natural resources and preserving and enhancing nature across our developments.


Climate change presents challenging risks and uncertainties for business and society, but also provides opportunities to be innovative in both mitigating our emissions and adapting to its impact.

Our Climate Change Policy commits us to minimising our impact on the climate, future proofing our homes and developments to future changes in climate and helping our customers to reduce their carbon footprint.

In 2022 we developed new science-based that have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The SBTi validation confirms that our targets are based on the latest climate science, supporting the ambition to limit global temperature rise to 1.5C in line with the Paris Agreement. Our long-term ambition to reach net-zero GHG emissions across our value chain by 2045 is supported by a series of commitments across scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

Living wage image

The 1 reference in the infographic refers to: The target boundary includes biogenic land-related emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks.


Reducing our scope 1 and 2 emissions


1. Supply chain (upstream emissions)

GHG emissions associated with the materials and services used to build our homes and developments account for around 36% of our total emissions. As emissions associated with the use of our homes decrease, upstream supply chain emissions will become the largest source of our carbon footprint. This is why collaboration with our supply chain is critical in our transition to net-zero.

In FY23 we conducted a whole life carbon analysis on key Legacy Collection house types of varying sizes. This analysis enables us to identify emission reduction opportunities and prioritise communication with suppliers. A current area of focus is engaging with the supply chain to improve emissions data availability to support these choices.

2. Our homes

The use of our homes accounts for approximately 62% of our GHG emissions. In FY23 we implemented the interim update to Part L of the Building Regulations, which requires a 31% reduction in carbon emissions compared to the 2013 regulations. Looking ahead, the impending Future Homes Standard set to be enforced from 2025, presents a substantial challenge, mandating a minimum 75% reduction in carbon emissions compared to the 2013 Building Regulations.

The infographic details some of the fabric and technology specifications incorporated within our homes both now and beyond 2025.

Reducing our scope 1 and 2 emissions

For further detail on our performance against targets and other key metrics, please see our Annual Report and financial statements and our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data handbook.

Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures

We support the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board’s Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Our disclosure against the recommendations is provided in our Annual Report and financial statements CDP response and Annual Report and financial statements.

natural resources and waste

we are committed to reducing natural resource consumption, waste and the risk of pollution incidents across our business operations. this is a key area of our sustainability strategy and central to our operational efficiency strategic priority. reducing and recycling waste

we are taking active steps to reduce waste and have the following targets:

  • reduce waste intensity by 15% by 2025.
  • divert at least 95% of construction waste from landfill.

further data on waste, including how we are performing against our targets, is provided in our Annual Report and financial statements and esg data handbook.

to reduce waste, we continue to:

  • monitor waste produced from sites and report back on potential improvement opportunities
  • increase use of our supplier’ return schemes and identify new opportunities to reduce packaging waste
  • research alternative construction methods and their impact on waste and embodied carbon for more information on how we create accessible green space and protect and enhance biodiversity, please see our customers and communities and community engagement pages.

closing the loop with returnable packaging services (rps)

FY23 saw the highest number of pallets returned since the launch of our pallet return scheme. In FY23 36,036 (FY22: 15,052) pallets were collected by our repatriation partner RPS.

“RPS pallets are extremely proud to partner with crest nicholson to manage their pallet return scheme. applying circular economy principles, we returned 18,431 pallets for reuse in the supply chain while the remaining 17,605 pallets were recycled. we look forward to strengthening our partnership in the future.”

Tom Hudson
Commercial Firector, RPS


Water efficiency

Our homes are designed to use a maximum of 105 litres per person per day (lpppd), which is 16% lower than Building Regulations require. To reduce water consumption and improve resilience to water scarcity, we install aerated taps and showers, dual flush toilet cisterns and water-efficient appliances.


Biodiversity, which describes the variety of living species on our planet, is declining at an unprecedented rate. The 2023 State of Nature report highlighted that one in six species in Great Britain is at risk of extinction.

Across our new developments, we are committed to delivering a biodiversity net gain of at least 10%. We engage with ecologists across all developments at an early stage to consider effective protection and enhancement measures. By considering at the outset how or developments can enhance biodiversity, the need to provide new homes and improve social infrastructure can be balanced with environmental concerns, ensuring both people and nature can thrive.

Supporting nature and delivering low carbon homes in Windsor

Situated near Windsor, the development achieved planning consent in 2023 and will comprise of 135 homes, with 40% designated as affordable housing. Our South division actively engaged with our energy consultants to ensure high levels of fabric efficiency. The homes will incorporate air source heat pumps and apartments will utilise hot water heat pumps and electric panel heaters. GHG emissions will be 76% lower across the development than 2013 Building Regulations, aligning with the Future Homes Standard target. An additional financial contribution into a carbon offset fund will balance the residual emissions.


Our team worked in partnership with our ecologists and landscape architects to ensure that open spaces will provide a haven for wildlife and attractive recreational areas for residents. The development will create a 14% biodiversity net gain through the delivery of a wildflower meadow, an orchard, nature-based sustainable drainage and tree planting. Other features that support nature and the community include:

— Community allotments
— 50 swift bricks
— 50 bat bricks
— 10 bee homes
— Hedgehog highways
— Playground and informal play spaces throughout the development
— Attractive drainage features that are designed for informal recreational space, ecological benefits and water management during high rainfall events.

"In line with our commitment to sustainability, as well as delivering much needed new homes and affordable housing, we aim to make Windsor Gate a sustainable development for future generations."

Nicholas Daruwalla
Land Director, South

We are committed to delivering attractive, high quality homes, excellent customer experience and a lasting positive legacy for our communities and the local environment.